Practice Test B - Reading Part 3: Reading for Information
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Read the following passage.
A. Belonging to an order of carnivorous insects called Odonates (a word which derives from the Greek word for “tooth”), dragonflies have existed for more than 300 million years, yet scientists have only recently begun researching them. The exact number of dragonfly species is not known, but scientists believe that there are over 5000 worldwide, with more than 450 in North America, including over 80 in British Columbia alone. Dragonflies are unique creatures with a diverse range of habitats. They have been detected in both acidic bogs and alkaline lakes. Although dragonflies can be found in a wide range of environments, they all live near water.

B. Dragonflies lay their fertilized eggs in ponds or marshes during the spring and summer. From these eggs emerge nymphs, immature water-dwelling insects. Depending on the species, a dragonfly may spend anywhere from 1 to 4 years in the nymph stage, living just below the water surface before becoming a fully developed adult, mature enough to climb out of its watery home, shed its skin, and fly away. Relative to its entire life cycle, the time a dragonfly spends as an adult is short, lasting only several months.

C. Dragonflies are skilled predators whose hunting techniques are specific to each phase of their life cycle. As nymphs, they stalk their quarry on low-lying greenery or shoots; lie in the mud at the bottom of a pond to wait for prey; or bury themselves in the mud to search for food. They eat aquatic insects and, once they grow big enough, sometimes consume tadpoles and even small fish. As adults, though, dragonflies hunt while flying through the air, positioning their legs to form a basket that captures mosquitoes, small midges, and other tiny flying insects.

D. Researchers are continually uncovering interesting facts about the dragonfly. An adult can fly at top speeds of up to 100 kilometres per hour, making it one of the fastest insects in the world. Each dragonfly eye has a 360-degree field of vision and 30,000 lenses that help it detect motion. In Myanmar, a country in Southeast Asia, dragonflies have been introduced to watery locations for their habit of eating mosquito larvae—an effective strategy for controlling mosquito-transmitted diseases such as dengue fever. Who knows what future research will reveal about this fascinating creature!

E. Not given in any of the above paragraphs.
Decide which paragraph, A to D, has the information given in each statement below. Select E if the information is not given in any of the paragraphs.

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